Are you someone who suffers regularly from muscular pains?
And all treatments (regular and complementary) do not seem to resolve the issue completely?
As an osteopath/physiotherapist, I see on a daily basis patients with all kind of physical pains.
Based on a long career I can say that the majority of complaints can be resolved by manipulation, posture instruction and exercise programs.
Unfortunately there is a group of people who keeps on complaining of a specific pain.
We call this group of complaints: myo-fascial trigger-points.
What is a trigger-point?
A trigger-point is a specific part of a muscle that cannot relax. Often you feel a ‘taut-band’ that accompanies the trigger-point.
By provoking the trigger-point, a specific pain pattern (referred pain) occurs. This pain even can resemble e.g. sciatica!
Each muscle has its own pattern. A trigger-point does not respond to ordinary treatments like massage. The muscle feels often tired, weak and tight.
What is the reason for having trigger-points?
The cause can be multiple: trauma, stress or repetitive movements. For many years there has been research being done, and one thing comes back every time: a dysfunctional motoric endplate. This is the part where the nerve enters the muscle. The endplate produces a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that enables contraction of the muscle. For different reasons the endplate overproduces this transmitter and is unable to resorb. Ergo, the muscle stays contracted. This is detrimental to circulation and quality of tissue, and will result in pain.
State-of-the-art treatment
One of the best treatments to date is DRY NEEDLING.
DRY NEEDLING is a specific treatment where an acupuncture needle is inserted in the affected muscle-part. The trigger-point will be provoked, and can cause a sudden ‘local twitch response’. At that moment the muscle will release itself. Often there is the need of treating more than one muscle, because of the duration of the complaint.
After the DRY NEEDLING a 1-3 days bruised sensation in the affected muscle area can occur. Depending on the number of trigger-points the duration of treatments can vary. But after the first treatment you will find an immediate relief!
DRY NEEDLING can be performed in combination with other treatments. It is important that the therapist has the specific skill of DRY NEEDLING. Also there is a need to investigate that DRY NEEDLING is the right treatment for you.
If you would like more information, please contact Bernard Vrijaldenhoven (mob. 91 847 6000) or the International Health Centres in Albufeira (Tel. 289 588 923)