Below is a list of services you will find at our clinic. If your service is not on the list, please ask at reception. You can come in, call 00351 289 588923 or email

Asthma Clinic

People of any age with asthma are welcome; we review your symptoms, give advice on inhaler techniques, check peak flow readings and discuss any problems you may have. It is important that you use your inhaler correctly, if you are unsure, please check with the doctor. If you have been on an inhaler for a long time and no longer feel the benefit, it is time to speak to your GP.  There are new combination inhalers that reduce the need to carry several different inhalers and medications. If you are one of these patients, please book to come in and discuss.  If you have been stable for a long time on your present regime, with no symptoms, it may be time to speak to your GP about checking your current dosage and the possibility to reduce.  Whilst we are still learning about Covid and its effects, any patient who feels that they have respiratory issues should come and see a doctor.


For all diabetic patients we review your sugar, blood results and treatments as well as advice and general health.  It is very important that anyone who suffers from diabetes has a yearly check up. This can reduce the chances of developing other serious problems related to the illness.  We offer a recall service to remind you when your check is due.

Blood Pressure

Everyone with high blood pressure is encouraged to attend surgery for blood pressure checks and reviews.  It is important to be monitored at least once a year to ensure your medication is doing its job and to check for early signs of potential health issues.  We offer a recall service to remind you when your check is due.

Phlebotomy (blood taking)

This is a service provided every week day morning in the surgery.

Cytology Services

All female patients between the ages of 20 – 65 years will be invited on a recall basis for a cervical smear test. Please register with us if you are not already on our list.

Flu Vaccinations

If you have long lasting chest, heart or kidney disease then a flu vaccination (usually done in October to March) is recommended. If you are 65 and over, or fall into any of the at-risk groups and Do Not receive an invitation please contact the surgery. The best remedy for ‘flu’ is to remain indoors, rest and drink plenty of liquids, e.g. water and/or squash.

Pneumonia Vaccine

Everybody aged 65 and over should now be vaccinated to help protect them against pneumococcal infection, which can cause diseases such as pneumonia septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis. If you do not receive an invitation to attend for a routine jab, please contact the surgery.

Covid Vaccines and Boosters.

Currently this is not available commercially and still only available through the Portuguese state system.  We will advise all our patients if this changes.

Travel Vaccinations

If you are going abroad, please book a consultation with one of the doctors regarding holiday injections such as typhoid, Hepatitis A, etc. We can advise on the nearest Yellow Fever Centre.


We are able to advise on a full range of contraceptives. Your Doctor will be happy to discuss these with you in your consultation.

We are able to advise on Emergency Contraception, LARC (Long-Acting Reversable Contraception, such as Contraceptive Implants; Contraceptive Injections; IUDs and IUSs), “the Pill”, Condoms and a wide-range of other options. Please book an appointment to discuss your options.

Pregnancy Testing

We can test a sample of urine, or take a blood sample to test for pregnancy.

Ante and Post Natal Care

Although we do not have a resident Midwife, we can discuss your needs and give you the contact names of people we recommend for the services we cannot presently offer.

3 Year Reviews

If you have not seen a health care professional at our clinic for at least 3 years, we do recommend you contact us, update your details so we have correct information on file, and let us know you still wish to remain on our books.

Over 75yrs

If you have not seen a Health Care Professional during the past 12 months at our clinic, but may have been seen in the UK or elsewhere for flu vaccines etc, we would ask you to contact us by email with the details so we can update our records.