We provide Physical Therapy services
Bernard V.W. Vrijaldenhoven
Osteopath/ Physiotherapist
Tel. (00351) 91 847 6000
People who suffer from acute, recurrent or chronic pains in joints, muscles or tendons know how difficult it can be to find the right person to treat their problem. Most referrals are made directly through a physician, by word of mouth, or straight out of the yellow pages.
But who do you see for which problem?
Berry is a long-standing resident in the Algarve. Since 2000 he has run clinics in the International Health Centres in Albufeira and his own Clinic Optima Forma in Almancil.
For 28 years Berry has gained extensive experience in osteopathy and physiotherapy.
He specialised in chronic spinal problems and sports injuries, as well as rehabilitation programs after hip, knee, or spinal surgery.
Ideas in osteopathy and physiotherapy have changed over the years, as has the philosophy behind their management. In the past, therapy was mainly focussed on passive manipulation, and long term treatments were often necessary. But times have changed...
We found that passive treatment created dependency, and therefore ‘illness beliefs’ became an issue. As a result of long-term treatments, the patient created a bad ‘coping style’, which resulted in negative behaviour, or simply being scared to move. The body adjusts to this behaviour, and a vicious cycle is born that just makes the problem worse.
As a result of this realisation, treatments became more ‘active’, and participation by the patient is now required. By being actively involved in your treatment, this gives you more confidence and control over your treatment.
Does this mean there is no need for manipulation?
Unfortunately not, but we know that manipulation is not always the answer. For example, if somebody has an acute back problem, you should not interfere. By following the right protocol, there is no need for extended treatments. It is important to go back to ‘normal’ behaviour as soon as possible. By only having a few consultations, most people will begin to understand that they can control and manage their own condition.
As always, not everybody is the same and a tailor-made approach is required. But the concept is clear: long-term treatment or ‘maintenance program’ is rarely indicated.
Echography and Shockwave
Let’s go back to the top line of this site: ‘Centre for Diagnostics and Therapy’.
In the past, it has been, and can still be, a problem to find uniformity in diagnostics and therapy.
You simply do not know what to expect when you walk into a clinic.
One of the key issues in a consulting room is the quality of the therapist/consultant.
How does he ‘create’ his diagnosis? Is it based on tests and touch, or does he have the tools to confirm his initial diagnosis?