Vaccination information for travellers

It is advisable to come and see a doctor as soon as you have your travel plans in place. They will advise you on what vaccinations are required and when to have them. Ideally you should plan to have your vaccine 6 weeks before you travel if possible. We can arrange some vaccine here in the clinic. Others have to be done at government vaccination centres.

Government Travel Vaccination Centres

You need to go to Faro or Portimaõ. You have to have a prescription from the doctor to obtain the vaccines. They work on a first come, first serve basis, see below the days and times you can go. You need to take your ID, Cartão utente if you have, vaccination booklet if you have, plus the prescription for the vaccines from the doctor. Ideally you should go 6-8 weeks before departure.


Centro de Saúde

Legana de Cima

Tel. 289 830300 or 289 830379/289 830351

Email. Consulta-viajante@acescentral.min-saú You can also email for an appointment in FARO

Days you can go

Tuesday or Friday 09.30-12.30

Monday or Wednesday 14.00-16.30


Centro Saude (Next to São Camilo Hospital)

Rua Dias Barão

Tel 282420160

Days you can go

Monday and Friday 09.30-13.00

No appointment necessary


Yellow Fever...............€20.00 plus administration fee of €1.00

Typhoid......................€20.00 plus administration fee of €1.00

Meningitis...................depending on age and type

Jap B Encephalitis......€20.00 plus administration fee of €1.00

Rabies........................€20.00 plus administration fee of €1.00 charge charge charge

Tetanus and Diphtheria can also be given free of charge at your local Centro Saúde if you are registered.